We are reaching out to graphic design alumni to create an archive of student work from the period 1992 through 2022. The goal is to assemble comprehensive documentation to share with current and future students as well as scholars and designers interested in the department’s output and impact.
This is a pilot program to create a more significant archive of student work across the School of Art so we appreciate your willingness to participate. We hope to complete this archive by January 15, 2023; your prompt reply is appreciated.
Using this form, you may submit up to 20 reproductions of key works you produced during your school years. Works may take any form – print, font design, interfaces, animations, installations, exhibitions – but we will request that you please send digital reproductions only. Class work, independent work, collaborative work and Yale University commissions (font design, posters, websites, publications, film/video, installations,Yale commissions such as Prospecta and Paprika, etc.) are all welcome.
Please answer the questions about each work to the best of your ability, and then upload its file. If, for example, you have images from multiple angles of one 3D piece, or if you would like to upload multiple pages from a single publication, you may upload multiple files in this field. If additional elaboration is needed, please utilize the “additional notes” field. You may indicate regarding each work whether you consent for the School of Art to use it for educational purposes.
After you have completed this process, if you would like to submit an additional work, please ensure you select "yes" and the form will replicate accordingly.
Collaborative pieces are welcomed - in the box for the work's description, you may indicate the name(s) of your collaborator(s) and any details you deem relevant.
PDF, JPG, .TIF, .MOV, GIF, and EPS files are all acceptable formats. File naming should ascribe to the following format:
Last NameFirst Name_Date_ProjectName_Media
Example: SmithJohn_2014_Medea_FontDesign
Please direct any questions, clarifications, or requests to kathleen.quaintance@yale.edu. Thank you for your willingness to contribute to this initiative, and we will be in touch with any updates.
Thank you!
Pamela Hovland, Senior Critic in Graphic Design
Susan Sellers, Senior Critic in Graphic Design